domenica 16 novembre 2008

Computers are Stuck in the Mud

It's true. We have mega powerful processors, which consume enough power to cook your lap.

They can run mega powerful programs, jump though hoops and do all sorts of clever stuff. Yep, modern PCs can do just about everything, except that is, organise all the stuff you end up collecting on your hard disk.

Oh, Google Search can help you pin things down, but it ain't enough.

Recently I've been trying to find something to organise everything and make it get attable asap.

So far I have not found a thing which really does the job. There are lots of little bits and bobs which will do this and that, but they are not integrated enough for me.

Thunderbird is cool, but is dead slow in loading big files. I receive big files, so this is a big problem for me.

I've tried a few apps to help me get over this problem, but so far nothing has satisfied me. And I've found so far has been supercharged PIM's or Outlook lookalikes.

I want something to help me organizse all my files. I'd like to be able to categorise and tag them, or rather, I'd like to have a program do this for me, or at least be able to do this from within the likes of Word and OpenOffice.

Zimbra - Yahoo's PIM

Zimbra is cool. I can't be bothered to link to it, because I'd like an app that will stick a link in there automatically, or at least suggest a few candidates.

Zimbra though, ain't perfect yet. I can't send mails that ask for recipts, which I need to do when I'm working on something important or when I send my dear old clients invoices and the like. But Zimbra cannot help me - back to slow Thunderbird, alas.

Shame, because Zimbra handles big files better than Thunderbird, and it has some cool features such as it's briefcase.

However, dear new Zimbra cannot BCC my sent mails to a backup account. It can BCC all my mails to a backup account, but this means I have to tinker with a settings file, coz it can't be done from in Zimbra. Pity.

Still, Zimbra is one to watch, and watch I will. I cannot wait for enhanced upgrades to come along.

Evolution - ain't really evolved

I also tried Evolution, and it's OK - it can BCC mails to a backup account, but it ain't got no darn spell checker, which is a pity. I need spell checkers in US/UK English and Italian. Heck, Evolution is really just an Outlook for Linux, which some clever people have ported over to Windows.

Good, but Outlook is old. It needs new features - like picking up dates and times from emails and allowing you to add them directly to an integrated calendar, which will then synchronise with your mobile gadget.

In short, I want new exciting integrated applications, which will allow me to create projects, and add all emails, photos, apps, etc to once project centric container.

We have the horsepower, but we do not have the system yet. Go on Google and Microsoft - hit us with something new.

We all need it. Our PCs are still stuck in Windows 95 mode, or so it seems.

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